September Spotify Playlist

A playlist by Bobby Apperson: What I’m listening to. I post these playlists on weeks when Nefesh doesn’t gather for Shabbat service (the 4th or 5th week of the month) but this month is special! It’s the Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Last month’s end of August list was a mix of Nefesh band members Sally and Ari and songs about and by Jews. This month features more black artists (always! Here Jamila Woods’ Holy and Conner Youngblood stand out), Sally (of course), Leonard Cohen’s Yom Kippur tribute Who By Fire, and songs about these Days of Awe, holiness, and self-reflection, such as Noah Aronson’s Am I Awake. And of course there’s some Debbie Friedman, Transparent, Six13 (a capella Shana Tova song parody of Macklemore), a song about Jonah, and two podcasts about Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Check it out and share! Listen below or follow at

— Bobby (@doingjewish)

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